Abstract organic green fields

Tracking venture capital deployment and deal trends over time

EY teams help clients achieve their ambitions by connecting them to data and insights that drive growth. Venture capital (VC) investment can give businesses a significant leg up as they look to scale. Our interactive database provides a year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter analysis of VC trends in the US, including the total amount invested (deal value) and number of deals completed. 

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Jeffrey Grabow

EY US Venture Capital Leader

Passionate about working with entrepreneurs and venture capitalists in Silicon Valley and beyond.

Office Location: San Mateo - Silicon Valley, US

A photographic portrait of Jeffrey Grabow
A photographic portrait of Lee Henderson

Lee Henderson

Americas EY Private Leader; Executive Sponsor, EY Entrepreneurs Access Network

Fervent supporter of young entrepreneurs and their businesses. Connector of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Self-proclaimed sports fanatic.

Office Location: Chicago, US

Venture capital

Venture capital can accelerate a company’s path to hyper growth. We can connect you to the insights and resources needed to navigate your venture-backed journey and achieve your ambitions.

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